Where are you located?
Our Studios are located in Goonellabah NSW.
How long do I have to wait for to be able to enter competitions?
To keep it fair to everyone, if you have won any prizes on 2LM or ZZZ within the last 30 days you are ineligible to enter our competitions.
How do I get my song played on ZZZFM?
We are passionate about music and the artists we play. We only consider songs for airplay that fit within our format.
Due to the number of submissions, it is not always possible to respond to everyone.
Can I listen online?
Our licence allows us to broadcast on the 100.9 FM frequency. Unfortunately, this does not include listening online.
Do you offer work experience or placement?
Due to our company policy, we are not able to offer work experience or placement.
Are there any jobs available?
Check out newmedia.com.au for any open on-air positions, advertised through Jocks’ Journal.